Abaqus is a finite element analysis suite. Thayer has the a 40 seat teaching license which can be used for classes but not for research. Abaqus can be run on either Windows or Linux.
Abaqus on Windows
In the computer labs
Abaqus is installed in the Virtual Computer Lab, and on the Windows Computers in M210, C115 and the CAD Lab. After logging in, click the "Start" icon in the lower left of the screen and scroll down to the following menu option:
"Dassault Systemes SIMULIA Abaqus CAE 2022".
Expand this menu option and choose "Abaqus CAE"
In the computer labs
Abaqus can be run on the Linux computers in M210, C115 and the CAD Lab.
After logging in, open a Terminal Window and then issue the command
"abaqus cae"
Remotely using FastX
Connect to one of the 8 Babylon compute servers using FastX. Note: These servers can be slow if in heavy use.
When connected to FastX, open a Terminal Window by "Right clicking" on the Desktop and choosing "Open Terminal Here"
In the terminal, issue the command "abaqus cae"
Here are a few useful articles on Thayers Linux compute servers
Thayer Compute Server Etiquette
You can check current usage of the babylons with the Cluster Usage Checking Tool.