Huion Pen Tablets
Huion 1060 Plus Pen Tablets
Thayer Computing has a supply of Huion pen drawing tablets for loan to faculty and teaching TA's. These tablets can provide a convenient drawing surface for, virtual whiteboards, and applications like CAD and SolidWorks.
Tablet Setup:
1) Driver Installation:
You MUST install the Huion driver before plugging the device int your computer. There may be issues if you plug the tablet in before driver installation. Download Driver from here. This link includes both the Windows and Mac Drivers.
Mac Installation:
Download the latest driver. Once it downloads, double click the .zip file and it will extract into a folder. Then click on the .dmg installer. It will then pop-up a new window where you drag the app into your Applications folder. It will inform you upon launch that this application was downloaded from the internet. You may click ok.
Windows Installation:
Download the latest Windows driver. Once it downloads run the Windows installer by clicking on it, agree to the user agreement and walk through the installer by clicking next. Reboot your computer after the installation.
2) Using the tablet:
The pen that comes with the tablet needs to be charged first, please make sure you charge the pen with the included cable before plugging in the tablet. Once the pen is charged you may plug in the tablet. This is true for both Mac and Windows.
Lastly you will need to map your tablet to a screen using the Huion app / driver you installed on your computer.
This screen is the same for both Mac and Windows. Where it says "Select Current Display" choose your primary computer monitor, this is most likely your computer monitor. Basically the screen you would like to draw on. Leave all other settings as is and click apply.
You are now done the basic setup. If you have issues with your tablet please email