
Thayer School Computer Labs

Computing Services operates several labs around our facility:

  • M210 MacLean, contains thirty Dual-Boot Windows and Linux computers for general purpose academic and research use.

    In the M210, C115 and CG13 labs only, when booted into Windows, users'  Desktop, My Documents, and Application Data folders are stored in their ThayerFS home directories. This provides a convenient way to allow the common local storage points, bookmarks, and application settings to follow the user regardless of which M210 lab computer they log on to. Other system settings and preferences are not portable.
    In the M210, C115 and CG13 labs only, when booted into Linux, users' home directories are mounted to their ThayerFS home. This provides a portable user environment across all the Linux computers.

  • C115 Cummings, contains eight Dual-Boot Windows and Linux systems for general purpose academic and research use.
  • C222 Cummings, Electronics Instruction Lab contains 9 Windows computers for academic use
  • C221 Cummings, the Digital Instruction Lab contains 7 Windows computers for academic use
  • CG13 Cummings, the CAD Lab contains 18 Dual-Boot Windows and Linux computers for academic and research CAD  and general use

    In the M210, C115 and CG13 labs only, user's Desktop, My Documents, and Application Data folders are stored in their ThayerFS home directories. This provides a convenient way to allow the common local storage points, bookmarks, and application settings to follow the user regardless of which lab computer they log on to. Other system settings and preferences are not portable.

  • CG11 Cummings, Electronics Instruction Lab contains 9 Windows computers for academic use

Use your NetID and password to log into Thayer School lab computers.

Lab Usage and Policies

The primary purpose of the public computer labs and equipment is to support the academic needs of Thayer students, faculty, and staff. Only authorized Thayer users are permitted to use the public computers and labs.

Faculty can reserve labs for class purposes. These uses take precedence over unscheduled uses. You can reserve our labs using the online room reservation system.

Though non-academic, personal use of the computers - such as web browsing, gaming, etc. - is not forbidden, please note that academic use takes highest priority. During busy times you may be asked to give up a computer if you are not using it for academic purposes.

Because the lab computers need to remain available for public use, long-term unattended use, locking, or reserving of workstations is not permitted unless authorized in advance. If you need to run long-term simulations or computations, please email to discuss alternative options.